ReadySet is a SQL caching engine that helps developers build performant, real-time applications without making code changes or switching databases.
Ready to use Readyset?
We're excited to onboard you onto Readyset. Before we can get started, we'll need to make sure your database is configured correctly. Please verify the following list of requirements on Supabase:
Enable IPv4
Navigate to Settings > Add Ons and click on Change IPv4 Address
Select IPv4 Address and click in Confirm.
Disable Connection Pooling
Navigate to Settings > Database and unselect Use connection pooling:
Grab your connection ID to be used in Readyset Cloud.
Enable Publications
Go to Database > Publications and click on Source (0 tables) to enable publication to the desired tables. Toggle the switch to enable publication on the tables you wish Readyset to replicate:
Request super user privileges via support ticket
Readyset needs to manually request super user access on your cluster. Open a support ticket requesting super user and provide your Reference ID. You can get your Reference ID by navigating to Settings > General:
Third-party integrations and docs are managed by Supabase partners.